Easter island heads have bodies!??

Excavations of the bodies have been going on for many years, you can find out more from the Easter Island Statue Project.  It’s generally accepted that the statues were made sometime between 1250 and 1500 AD. There is controversy surrounding why the bodies are buried. Was it time and erosion, or were they buried on purpose?  Aliens?   The soil surrounding the bodies for so long has preserved interesting carvings (petroglyphs, or rock markings)..

This one below has a sailing ship carved onto it…


523 Comments on "Easter island heads have bodies!??"

  1. Josh W may be on to something. Perhaps they had the foresight to bury them in order to preserve the writings…

  2. Who had the idea of ​​digging around the monuments of Easter Island?

  3. My name is Ozymandias, king of kings
    Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!

  4. as an archaeologist it may be assumed that the general public was aware of the Moai and that their heads had bodies. there are many that remain on their platforms and therefore we know they have bodies however the extent to which the heads had bodies was unknown til recently. it was assumed they did and they were en route to their new destination when the infighting began. it will be very interesting to do an analysis of those bodies which remain on their platform and those that never made it.

  5. It seems to me that the carving of the ship did not match with the period of the body style, Could this have been an early act of vandalism?

    1. In what way? The accepted dating of the statues is right at the start of imperial exploration.

  6. actually each moai are jacking off. the arms are on the side and the elongated fingers are on each side of the phallus.

    i was there june 2010 during the solar eclipse. fabulous place to visit!

  7. Have their tallywhackers and winkies been exposed? Now falls the assumption that the Moa were all male. Perhaps they were buried due to some sort of Puritanical modesty without any inkling that their burial would preserve their symbology.

  8. I bet under the statues they’ll find a city.They must dig deeper.. Good luck

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