Easter island heads have bodies!??

Excavations of the bodies have been going on for many years, you can find out more from the Easter Island Statue Project.  It’s generally accepted that the statues were made sometime between 1250 and 1500 AD. There is controversy surrounding why the bodies are buried. Was it time and erosion, or were they buried on purpose?  Aliens?   The soil surrounding the bodies for so long has preserved interesting carvings (petroglyphs, or rock markings)..

This one below has a sailing ship carved onto it…


523 Comments on "Easter island heads have bodies!??"

    1. i am a human, and i find many of god’s beautiful creations to also be delicious, but research shows that eating more than 5% or so animal based protein (including dairy) drastically increases your chance of having cancer take hold in your body… i’m pretty sure if cats and dogs were delicious enough to be a part of that 5%, they would be a more popular food, it’s not like we don’t eat smarter things :|

  1. Don’t know, Jay, but I sure as heck am going to research it now! The potential is huge! Giddy at the propect! Cats, dogs -don’t bug me, I’m busy!

  2. I heard Stonehenge is up for sale. Cock you leg and pee on them dominoes

  3. I am not a dog, or Chinese, or an Easter Island Head. But I have a body. Does that count?

    1. Judging from the serious farmer’s tans they’ve got going on, I’d say they must be pretty old. But that’s just my scientific opinion.

      1. Wow.. maybe next we will find out there really is a
        God in heaven that has a son Jesus that died for our sins.

      2. What? Where have you been? God has already been found to be the truth and the life. And all that believe on his Son Jesus Christ and turn from their sin will have ever lasting life! I know Them both personally. Get your head out of the sand.

  4. Surprisally this does not surprise me. We find new discoveries every day next it will be some thing about Aliens/UFO or some unknown creatures out there or place some thing like that.

  5. !!!… WHAT ..THE.. F@@K..!???!?

    They are actual full-on statues !!!

    …and is that a chamber underground [first photo] or is that part of excavation?
    How old are these photos?

    There, apparently, is lore of these “heads” moving/rotating…
    I wonder if there is something underneath them
    [ie like the door to Coral Castle, but inverted]

    ….absolutely AMAZING

    1. Your comment actually caught my eye. i’m very big into archaeology and new findings, but have never heard of Coral Castle. what exactly is that? look forward in hearing from you about this. talk to you then.

      1. coral castle is a man made sculptur type thing a jilted lover did for his lost love. all by hand in early 1900s. it is located just north of homestead florida. look it up, im from there and still find it astounding

    2. yeah the Coral Castle in florida… never been but the shit is wild…

      man is a recluse, claims to know the secret of the pyramids… works only at night, by himself…

      photos show a contraption with a black box on the top of 3 wooden poles… the box hasn’t been found and could be the key to it all..

      anything like this is intriguing.. have you ever heard of the supposed money pit off the east coast of Canada on some island.. Millions of dollars invested to find a so-called treasure and nothing has been found… But, there is shit down there like made to collapse and fall if people try to get to it…

      So much wild stuff out there… They should get volunteer groups… I want to dig… No charge, I just want to dig.

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