Easter island heads have bodies!??

Excavations of the bodies have been going on for many years, you can find out more from the Easter Island Statue Project.  It’s generally accepted that the statues were made sometime between 1250 and 1500 AD. There is controversy surrounding why the bodies are buried. Was it time and erosion, or were they buried on purpose?  Aliens?   The soil surrounding the bodies for so long has preserved interesting carvings (petroglyphs, or rock markings)..

This one below has a sailing ship carved onto it…


523 Comments on "Easter island heads have bodies!??"

  1. maybe or future andcesters a thousand years in the future found time travel and came back and did it just to confuse the heck out of us or dont rule out the aliens after all… how much wood etc. would it take to build them and pick them up and sit them in a hole. and if bruied by a land slide… why didnt the land slide knock them over or tip them sideways if the the ground was water soaked like the leaning tower of pizza.

    1. Sedimentation over thousands of years would bury the rock carvings. I’m talking like 12 to 15 thousand years though, roughly around the same age as the sphinx in Egypt.

      1. The sphinx is less than half that old. Most resonable scholors have it at 4.5k years old. The Easter island Moai are at most 1,000 years old. These impressive old carvings would have worn away to nubbins with as much rainfall and wind as Easter Island gets. If you are going to have no idea what you are talking about, you might at least keep it to yourself and not trot out your ignorance as fact.

      2. Out here in the Pacific Northwest, we have basalt petroglyphs that are as old, if not older than the Easter Island statues. Many of these are on the coast, exposed to constant rain and wind. And guess what – they’re still there. What was that about worn away to nubbins?

    2. the leaning tower of Piza is actually not leaning. the ground around it is sloped giving it the illusion that the tower is leaning.

      1. Wrong. Dead flat wrong. I’ve climbed up the tower stairs inside it. They spiral up. Now try to imagine what it takes to make you feel like, at times, you’re falling up the stairs… or climbing down the stairs. The sucker tilts–and the Italian government spent a boatload of money to stabilize it, so that it won’t in time fall over. The foundation was insufficient and the ground softer on one side than the other. It started tilting while it was being built and the builders actually tried to correct the tilt as they built the next level(s), so it’s not even truly straight.

  2. As individualized as they are, there are many reasons they could have existed, up to and including as a memorial to those who led their people or heroes from stories of the day. Fascinating! :)

  3. considering the sharpness of their thinking the archaeologists why not anyone of them came to the idea earlier that not the heads are the end of these statues, would it not have been interesting how and on what they are standing, now in 2011 by what incident the idea came so late,

    1. They knew but the stones don’t match written history. Keep this in mind, we cannot build the Pyramids in Egypt today. We do not have the power(Equipment) to move those stones in our time. I don’t know for sure but i speculate that the Pyramids in Egypt were not built the way the History teaches us either…

      1. Sure they were. There’s nothing “amazing” about them. There’s a great forum thread on the subject at randi.org. Just add skepticism.

      2. I agree with you AronPaul – just try and find out how long people have been using electricity for. I’m not saying the pyramids were built using some form of electricity – but the history books and google/wikipedia and all the available information for research for the layman shows electricity/ the electric wire is only a few centuries old at best… then there’s the “Baghdad Battery” that may be as old or older than 250BC *shrugs* – there could be a conspiracy here keeping us in the dark.

      3. Yes it’s a conspiracy. A co spiracy of Alexander the Great, Ceasers, Popes, and plague carrying rats.

        Humanity is a forgetful race. For example when Rome fell the knowledge of concrete was forgotten. Concrete!

      4. Just think of the “coral castle” in Florida. How was that human able to accomplish that?

      5. Having had a class in college that was a prerequisite for the building segment in Civil Engineering that taught us how to move heavy things, you’re full of it.

        Not only could we build them today, if there were enough money available, we could do it faster and more precisely.

        We could even do it the same way that they did.
        The final exam for that class was pass or fail. I and my lab partner had to move a cement block that was one meter wide, 3 meters long & 2 meters tall from one side of the work yard to the other using nothing other than levers, stones, simple rollers, & mud. We had 2 hours to do it. We passed the exam with 25 minutes to spare. And mind you that was only two people working on it.

        If you look at Egyptian History you will figure out that the Pyramids were nothing but the original W.P.A. projects. And if you don’t know what W.P.A. projects are, you should learn U.S. history.

        Your ignorance is showing.

      6. Its showing but my phallus is bigger and everyone is busy looking at that- so MEH!

      7. Ok…so we can move two ton blocks and so could they. Try the Temple of Jupiter at Baalbek for your next exam. The foundation stones are known as the “Trilithon” and are around 1200 tons each. Why would they use these? They could have broken them into four seperate parts and achieved the same longevity and stability. Next exam, quarry 100 ton stones on one Bolivian mountain side and transport them to the other mountain’s peak…without advanced math, the wheel, the pulley, or writing…and do it 1000 years ago (if estimates are correct). Simple answer is that we cannot accomplish this today without heavy equipment and great expense. We are supposed to believe they only had copper chisels, stone balls, and no trees to boot. It cannot be done.

  4. I’ll bet they are all standing on top of a giant flying saucer that’s also buried.

  5. I knew it. I always felt that they were attached to something underground. I also thinks there are other things under ground around them ready to be found. If they are that big and down that deep it could be cities down there as well. hummmmmm!!!

  6. not sure if there is a link between Easter Island and civilizations like the Mayans or Aztecs… But, the Mayans sort of vanished just randomly and I’ve heard theories of an island off the middle of Chile they one dude believes hold the key to Mayan culture(something about a rock carved into the jaguar.)

    What I’m saying is maybe just maybe they depict a story or the story of one these cultures uprooting and leaving behind their old life for a new life. Obviously, the faces, well now statues could be used to ward outsiders away. But, it could be so much more than just that.

    Like an Ancient world Dubai or some crap… Where the Gods and the Wealthy went and did all the stuff the peons couldn’t. Who knows.. but sign me up I would go over and dig in a heartbeat. Don’t gotta pay me anything.

    1. probably a lot… but who knows, everything is speculation…

      even all the studying and excavating.. interpreting symbols and heiroglyphs… whatever it may be it is always speculation…

      this means that or that means this. we don’t really no.. educated guesses are just as good as common guesses… you just have to have the credentials in order to be involded in a find like this.. usually, anyway… if some average joe like me started to ust randomly dig, someone would call the law..

      suprising no one though to do this before… but, the one pic of the protruding belly reminds me WAY TOO much of Mayan characteristics… Very similar in my opinion.

      The raw materials would have been hard as hell to move.. But, man anything is possible. There is definitely a story behind them and I personally believe it is something very big.

  7. Google map it…. it confirms the thing about the island off of chile…. I didn’t know Easter Island was there also…

    the island I mentioned with the jaguar carving is a different island.. I saw it on the National Geographic channel.

    1. and it makes sense… if you hug the coast coming down the southern side of central america… you’re going to be right in line with the islands…

      this has Mayan written all over it… like totally about to re-awaken everything we think we know about their culture… the didn’t just dominate the Yuctan… they controlled the globe.

      1. Where is Mayan written pug?? It is clearly the work of the Easter Bunny! Everyone knows thats where the secret hide out is!

  8. Please lets not forget that the mayan people never disappeared,they are still in the mountains and in the jungle fighting against progress, multinationals and capitalism ,wich by the way are trying to make’em disappear.long live to EZLN.

    1. yes… but the doesn’t mean they weren’t a diverse people that let’s say potentiall migrated to different areas of the globe during different seasons..

      I know their are present day mayans… But, I’m saying world… where only a few real civilizations flourished… an empire like Egypt but spanning an Ocean??? more than just the little ol’ penisula in Mexico and more than a country like Egypt…

      but some of the ancient cities in the jungles… yeah, the mayans just upped and left… where did they go?? science has been looking for that for years… and we just got a whole lot closer… I’m not backing down off this one…. every ounce of my humanity knows what this is. this is big, bigger than us present day humans can even comprehend… we are no where near the level of intelligence of our ancestors and ancient civilizations

      1. yes of course ancient people have left traces behind them on their migration throught the planet ,like the huge heads that are in mexico with a very african characteristic.on the other hand out of romanticism every empire has fallen due to several factors ,corruption of power or destruction of the environment ,no water no life,invasions of other tribes etc.I don’t deny that there were people of knowledge and it does’nt meant that there are’nt anymore ,but times change and if yesterday was the violence of the christian church who made this people to hide today is another but yet similar history.

      2. C’mon! You’re thinking of Aztecs, who largely died from small pox in the 15th century AD.

        The Maya civilization spanned the ages from the 18th century BC to 9th century AD — it was virtually gone some 500 years before Columbus even arrived in the New World!

        Please read. More.

      3. Idiot wrote: I’m not backing down off this one…. every ounce of my humanity knows what this is. this is big, bigger than us present day humans can even comprehend… we are no where near the level of intelligence of our ancestors and ancient civilizations

        Dude, I would disagree that people are dumber than the ancients in most cases. However, in your case it is a certainty.
        You confuse “feelings” with facts, speculation with theories, wishes with observations.
        The Maya culture was a city based one. Little evidence shows any serious influence beyond a few miles of each city despite the connections between the cities.
        The scientists that have really studied the Maya figured out a long time ago that the people were over taxed and over regulated to support things that didn’t benefit them. So the people just up and moved away from the cities.
        People do that. Just look around you.

      4. ya, I think they had a lot more technology than we imagine, and only their stone elements remain where there was actually a whole lot more, but they became so advanced in some areas, they actually blew everything up, and the stone stuff is all that remains. :)

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